F&LC Human Rights Policy
The F&LC Group seeks to achieve a sustainable society and corporate growth. We believe that solving social issues through business operations based on our Vision, “Discovering new tastiness, sharing moments of joy,” should lead to sustainable growth.
The F&LC Group established its F&LC Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”) in consideration of its responsibility to respect human rights in its business activities. Important issues for the F&LC Group include issues related to people as well as the sustainability of fishery resources and agricultural products. In addition to promoting the empowerment of human resources and DE&I initiatives, we will stay committed to respecting the human rights of the many different stakeholders including our employees, customers, local communities, suppliers and business partners.
The F&LC Group will support and respect the international principles and standards specified below.
- The International Bill of Human Rights
- The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The Children’s Rights and Business Principles
The Policy has been formulated referencing the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We will comply with laws, regulations and rules related to human rights and labor in the countries and regions where we do business. In the event that national or regional laws and regulations fall short of the international principles and standards, we will seek to comply with the international principles and standards.
Scope of Application
The Policies apply to the F&LC Group’s officers and employees (hereinafter “Officers and Employees” which means the officers and employees of the F&LC Group companies in Japan and overseas, including contract employees, part-time employees, employees hired for a predetermined period and dispatched employees).
We will encourage the F&LC Group’s business partners to respect human rights and to understand and support this Policy.
Structure of Promotion
In promoting this Policy, the Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the president and CEO will cooperate with the divisions in staying up to date on how the related initiatives are promoted and implemented as well as how this Policy is observed. The Sustainability Promotion Committee will regularly report the details to the Board of Directors and receive supervision from it.
Implementing 'Human Rights Due Diligence'
To fulfill our responsibilities to respect human rights, we have established a human rights due diligence system based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and strive to prevent or mitigate any situation where human rights are not respected.
Human Rights Issues Concerned with Business Activities
- Child Labor
We will not allow any child labor and observe the minimum working ages prescribed by the laws and regulations in each country and region.
- Forced Labor
We will not permit forced labor and will strive to prevent labor exploitation, human trafficking and suchlike.
- Discrimination
We will permit no discrimination on the basis of gender, age, nationality, race, faith, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or similar attribute. We will build an environment where anyone is able to work energetically, so that even more diverse human resources will have opportunities to play an active role in society.
- Freedom of Organization and Right of Collective Bargaining
We will respect the freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining.
- Occupational Health and Safety
We will provide a workplace environment where our employees can work in good health, safely and without worries.
- Working Hours and Wages
We will implement proper management of working hours, holidays and leave and endeavor to reduce excessive working hours. We will also implement proper management of wages and pay at least the statutory minimum wage.
Corrections and Remedies
If it is found that the F&LC Group has caused or encouraged negative impacts on human rights, it will take appropriate measures to correct the situation. Further, we will continue to develop and improve complaint handling mechanisms in compliance with international standards.
Education and Enlightenment
We will organize educational and awareness-raising activities to enable officers and employees to understand, agree to and put into practice this Policy, the Basic Procurement Policy and other policies relating to human rights. Also, our efforts to increase our business partners’ awareness of the Policies will continue.
Dialogue with Stakeholders
We create opportunities to engage in dialogue with stakeholders with the goal of understanding matters that could potentially negatively impact human rights beforehand and push forward with efforts to facilitate relief measures to address problems that have manifested.
Monitoring and Information Disclosure
The status of the observance of the Policies is continuously monitored and disclosed on the F&LC Group’s website and other media outlets.
The Human Rights Policy shall be drafted with advice from outside specialists. It shall be established and revised upon approval and resolution of the Board of Directors.
Established on January 25, 2024
Revised on October 24, 2024